

A pleasant omen for the future has already attended the preparations of the "47 Workshop" for its premier trip "on the road": the New York performances have been moved to a larger theatre in order to accommodate the unexpectedly large patronage. The dramatic world has not been slow in realizing the value of Professor Baker's work in establishing the experimental theatre in America, and it eagerly awaits the coming production.

The Workshop was established in 1913 for the purpose of trying out the plays written in English 47. Since then necessity has forced it, bit by bit, to assume all the features of a regular theatre school. To obtain the desired effect it became necessary to design, paint, and construct scenery and to develop a lighting force. Since the University offered no courses along these lines, the force has been compelled to rely on the Boston Art School for the training. At present, more worthwhile plays are written each year than the "Workshop" can present. There is further, a growing demand for both summer and winter courses in play-producing.

It would seem, therefore, that there is sufficient demand to warrant the establishment of a school of the Dramatic Arts here at Harvard, with an adequate theatre and proper equipment. The "Workshop" represents, at present, as well-trained and carefully selected a group of experimenters in the theatrical arts as any in the country. The work being done here is commanding mere and more the attention of the whole country. It is essential that suitable means be placed at the Workshop's disposal at once, If it is fulfill the promise which it so abundantly shows.
