A new effort in student activities is represented in the intercollegiate Convention of liberal college, students beginning this afternoon at the Union at 1 o'clock and lasting until 4.30 o'clock tomorrow. The convention is an expression of the aspiration of great numbers of college students to participate more actively than at present in the affairs of their generation. The purpose of the convention is to bring together men and women from various colleges with a view to founding an intercollegiate liberal organization whose scope shall be national, and whose aim shall be cultivate an informed and open-minded attitude on the part of students towards social, industrial, and political questions.
This is the first spontaneous student movement of the kind in the United States. Its importance is illustrated by the fact that at least twenty-three colleges will be represented. These include practically all of the large Universities of the east, as well as theological institutions and the smaller colleges.
Ambitious Program
The Convention has an ambitious program ahead of it. The work of organization alone or the program of speeches and discussions would make a full two days. The routine work of organization however, will be left to committees appointed during the covention. The permanence of the benefit will depend upon the success of these committees in
Dean L. B. R. Briggs '75
Walter Lippman '10, of the "New Republic"
Walter G. Fuller of "The Free-man"
President Eliot
Donald Winston of "Young Democracy"
Francis Neilson, Editor "The Freeman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Author of "Women in Economics"
Andrew Furuseth, President of the International Seaman's Union of America
Edwin F. Ladd, U. S. Senator from North Dakota
Lucien Price, Author of "Immortal Youth"
Roger N. Baldwin '05
Augusts G. Dill '08
H. W. L. Dana '03
John Haynes Holmes '02, Minister of the Community Church, New York
Harry W. Laidler
John F. Lewis Jr.
Mrs. Arthur G. Rotch
H. N. MacCracken '05, President of Vassar
J. W. Morris
Henry Mussey forming a lasting link between autonomous college liberal groups, in organizing and fostering such groups, and in widening the scope of the organization so as to make it truly national.
The credit of bringing about this convention and of making it such an important event belongs chiefly to Harvard and Radcliffe students. They have secured some of the most prominent liberals in the country as speakers, As well as men who are recognized as the foremost educators. Among those who will address the convention are Dean L. B. R. Briggs '75, Walter Lippman '10 of the "New Republic", President Eliot, Senator Edwin F. Ladd of North Dakota, John Haynes Holmes '02, head of the Community Church, New York, and President H. N. MacCracken '05 of Vassar.
Those who have been instrumental in bringing about the Convention and assuring its success are the following:
John Rothschild ocC, and Miss Mary E. Switzer of Radcliffe, joint chairmen of the General Arrangements Committee; R. E. Wheeler '22 and Miss Edna Cers, joint chairman of the Reception Committee; Eva Wechsler, chairman of the Publicity Committee; Horace B. Davis ocC., Robert Wormser '22, Secretary of the Organizing Committee; John F. Lewis IG., and Peter B. Ferguson '23 of the Committee on General Arrangements; Theodore Dreier '23, chairman of the Finance Committee; A. N. Moore '23 chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
All sessions of the Convention will be held in Harvard Union. All men in the University are invited to attend as delegates to, and the members of the Faculty as guests of the Convention.
The program for the two days of the Convention is a follows:
1.30-2.00.--Registration and reception of delegates. Arrangements for hospitality will be made.
2.00-3.30--The chairman of the Organizing Committee will open the Convention in the Living Room. Dean L. B. R. Briggs will extend welcome to the delegates. The chairman and secretary of the Convention will be appointed from the floor, after which the chairman will make a brief speech. The opening address will be by Walter Lippman '10, of the New Republic. Miss Anne F. Mirkin of Tufts Medical School and H. B. Davis ocC., will answer the address from the floor.
3.30--5.00.--Discussion of the name and purpose of the organization, of ways and means, and of a constitution will take place in periods of one-half hour each.
6.00.--Old-fashioned New England supper will be served in the Living Room for $2.00 a plate. The profit will be devoted to the relief of fellow students in famine-stricken lands.
The subject for the evening discussion will be: "The Collegian Looks at the World."
Speakers on this subject will be: Walter G. Fuller, Associate Editor of The Freeman: President Charles W. Eliot '53: Donald Winston, of Young Democracy : Francis Neilson, Editor of The Freeman: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, authoress: Andrew Furuseth, President of the International Seaman's Union of America: Edwin F. Ladd, U. S. Senator from North Dakota; Lucien Price, author of "Immortal Youth." There will be a brief student reply to each speaker.
10.00 to 11.30.--Reports form Committees will be read and action on reports taken.
11.30 to 12.00.--Election of a Provisional Student Executive Committee will take place (followed by a meeting of the Committee for purpose of co-opting graduates and Faculty members for the Committee).
12.00 to 2.30.--Luncheon in the Trophy Room. Toastmistress, Miss Muriel Moris, Wellessley, short speeches will follow by Roger N. Daldwin '05, on "The Social Function of Revolt": Augustus G. Dill '08. on "Liberalism and the Negro"; H. W. L. Dana '03, on "universities and the Workers"; John Haynes Holmes '02, subject not announced; Harry W. Ladiler, on "The Task Ahead": John F. Lewis Jr., on "Commercialization"; Mrs. Arthur G. Rotch, subject not announced; J. W. Morris, on "the English Parallel"; Henry Mussey, on "Making Congress Servo the People".
2.30. to 3.30.--Announcement of full Provisional Executive Committee (followed by meeting of the Full Committee for the purpose of choosing officers).
There will follow a discussion from the floor of Policies and Plans.
3.30 to 4.30.--The report of the Executive Committee will be read. The closing address bill be by H. N. MacCracken '05, President of Vassar.
4.30.--Tea will be served in the Quiet Room
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