

University of Pennsylvania Team Untried so Far This Year -- Both Teams Expected to Furnish Stiff Competition

The University track team leaves for Pennsylvania from the South Station at 2.00 o'clock this afternoon, and will open the spring season formally with the meet with Pennsylvania State College on Tuesday, at State College, Penn. Twenty-nine runners, and several coaches, managers, and rubbers will make the trip. There have been two changes made in the list of runner's as given out yesterday; W. F. Eaton '22 and T. C. Wales '21 are to take the places of T. B. Coolidge '23 and Mitchell Gratwick '21, who are unable to go.

This is the first time the team has taken such an extensive trip, with the exception of the trips to England, and upon the success or failure of this trip will depend the continuance of the custom in future years. At present the outlook is very favorable. The Penn State track team is already well under way. A comparison of its record so far this season with the results of the time trials held by the University team on Thursday seem to show that the Crimson has a slight advantage over the Blue and White. The University of Pennsylvania track team, whom the University meets on Saturday, has not been tried out in competition yet this spring, and its strength is still problematical; but the Red and Blue has a reputation for turning out good teams and this year's team is well up to the standard. A lot will depend in the results of the meet upon the second and third places which each team wins. With E. O. Gourdin '21, Richard Chute '22, Captain O'Connell, F. G. Bemis '22, R. S. Whitney '22, C. G. Krogness '21, R. W. Harwood ocC., J. F. Brown '22 and J. R. Tolbert '22, the University can be sure of a number of firsts; the number of second and third places which the Crimson team secures will indicate whether Coach Bingham's efforts in the development of these men has begun to have its effect.

Third Meet for Penn State

The meet on Tuesday will be the third in which Penn State has competed so far this spring. On March 26 the Blue and White team defeated the Virginia Polytechnic Institute runners by the score of 74 to 52, and on March 30 they vanquished the University of Virginia, Southern champions, by a 65 to 61 score. The track conditions in the meet with V. P. I. were exceptionally good, and as a result five local records were broken, and all the races were run in remarkably good time. Captain Demming, in the quarter, Way in the broad-jump, Hile in the dashes and hurdle events, and Romig in the mile and two-mile are the best men on the Penn State team. Way holds the Penn State record for the broad-jump, and was the winner of this event in the Intercollegiates last year, beating E. O. Gourdin '21 of the University by a few inches. In the meet with V. P. I. Romig won the mile race in 4 minutes, 34 seconds, and also took third place in the two-mile. On the whole the Penn State team is strong in the middle and long distances, and weak in the sprints and field events. Comparative records indicate, however, that the Crimson runners will be able to break about even in the distance events, and should score heavily enough in the other events to win the meet.

The University of Pennsylvania team has not had any meets so far this year to test it out but it has a number of stars with which to form a strong nucleus. Chief among these is Captain Earl Eby, who is the holder of several championships in the half-mile and was a member of the Olympic team last summer. Another strong man is Reynolds, who won the high jump at the Penn Relay Carnival last spring. Lever in the sprints, Mason and Rogers in the quarter, Brown in the half and Schroeder in the mile and two-mile are the other men who are to be relied upon for most of Pennsylvania's scoring.


University Entries

The University entries in both meets will be as follows:

100-Yard Dash.-- Vinton Chapin '23, C. B. G. Evans '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, R. D. Howard '23, C. H. Wansker '22.

220-Yard Dash.-- Vinton Chapin '23, C. B. G. Evans '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, R. D. Howard '23, J. E. Kennedy '23, C. H. Wansker '22.

440-Yard Run.-- Richard Chute '22, E. T. Doherty '21, J. E. Kennedy '23, Bayard Wharton '22.

880-Yard Run.-- W. C. Bennett '23, H. R. Colt '22, A. J. Fox '21, R. N. Johnson '22.

Mile Run.-- Captain D. F. O'Connell '21, W. F. Eaton '22, C. E. Reycroft '21.

Two-Mile Run.-- F. G. Bemis '22, H. M. Mahon '22, C. E. Reycroft '21.

120-Yard High Hurdles.-- R. W. Fitts '23, C. R. Hauers '23, R. S. Whitney '22.

220-Yard Low Hurdles.-- R. W. Fitts '23, C. G. Krogness '21, R. G. Whitney '22.

High Jump.-- W. F. Goodell '21, C. G. Krogness '21.

Broad Jump.-- E. O. Gourdin '21, C. G. Krogness '21, C. H. Wansker '22.

Pole Vault.-- H. R. Davis '23, R. W. Harwood ocC., T. C. Wales '21.

Hammer Throw.-- J. F. Brown '22, G. G. Monks '21, J. R. Tolbert '22.

Shot Put.-- J. F. Brown '22, J. R. Tolbert '22
