

Tennis Team Will Meet Several Strong Country Club Outfits, as Well as Annapolis, During Their Vacation Trip to South

Coach R. N. Williams '16 of the tennis team has selected the men who will represent the University on the Southern trip during the Spring Recess. The following will comprise the singles team, and will play in the order named in the first match at least: L. A. de Turenne '21, captain, J. B. Fenno '21, Morris Duane '23, E. W. Feibleman '21, Victor Romain '22 and R. N. Bradley '22. Captain de Turenne, Fenno and Bradley received their letters in tennis last year, and Duane was captain of last-year's Freshman team.

The doubles teams which will also play in the order named, will be: de Turenne and Fenno, Feibleman and Romain, Duane and Bradley. P. E. Jackson, manager, will accompany the team.

The exceptionally full schedule, seven matches in eight days, is more ambitious than any attempted before by the tennis team on its Southern trip. The first match will be played today against the Providence Tennis Club at Providence. W. T. Tilden, world's champion, will head this team, on which J. D. E. Jones, national boy's champion, and R. N. Dane, Rhode Island State Champion, will also play.

On Monday the team will oppose the Richmond Country Club at Richmond, Virginia; and on Tuesday the Norfolk Country Club at Norfolk, Virginia. They will then leave Norfolk and go by boat to Baltimore, and on Wednesday will face the Navy at Annapolis. On Thursday they will play the Chevy Chase Country Club at Washington, D. C. They will conclude the trip by a match with the Philadelphia Cricket Club at Philadelphia on Saturday.

Norman Edwin Himes Unc. of Portland, Conn., has been elected President of the Student Liberal Club, and Arthur, Newell Moore '23 of Cambridge, Secretary in place of John Rothschild ocC., and P. B. Ferguson '23 respectively, who have resigned. These men will hold office only until the regular election in June
