

Six Men to Be Chosen at Election on Commencement Day -- Three Directors of Alumni Association Also to Be Elected -- List of Nominees Given

Twenty-two University graduates have been nominated for Overseers of the University by a committee of the Harvard Alumni Association. Six of these men will be elected, five to fill regular places on the Board and the sixth to fill the extra vacancy caused by the recent death of Professor Barrett Wendell '77, who was elected last June to serve a six-year term.

The twenty-two candidates are now to be voted upon by postal ballot among the alumni, and the twelve receiving the largest vote will be placed on the ballot for the election held in Cambridge on Commencement Day in June, six to be elected at that time.

The Board of Overseers, one of the two governing boards of the University, is composed of thirty members, five being ordinarily elected each year for six-year terms.

In addition, six men have been selected as candidates for Directors of the Alumni Association, three to be elected on Commencement Day.

Overseer Candidates Announced


The candidates for Overseers, in order of seniority, are:

Morris Gray '77 of Boston, President of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Edgar C. Felton '79 of Haverford, Pa., retired steel manufacturer and former Overseer.

Charles A. Coolidge '81 of Boston, architect.

Homer Gage '82 of Worcester, surgeon.

Robert P. Perkins '84 of New York, recently American Red Cross Commissioner to Italy and president of the Harvard Club of New York.

Charles H. Brent of Buffalo, Episcopal Bishop of Western New York and holder of a Harvard honorary degree.

Henry M. Williams '85 of Cambridge, lawyer.

Albert T. Perkins '87 of St. Louis, rail-road man and former Director of Light Railways of the A. E. F.

Morton D. Hull '80 of Chicago, manufacturer.
