

Make Arrangements for Financing Diner and Luncheon in Honor of Delegtes to M. I. T. Conference

At its meeting last night in the Union the Student Council decided to form a committee to stimulate and co-ordinate the activities of the present school clubs in the University. T. S. Lamont '21 and T. R. Thayer '21 were chosen joint chairmen of the new organizations.

The purpose of the committee is to establishh closer relationship between the University and the schools and to bring before school men the advantages and disadvantages of coming here. When schools desire speakiers they will be sent by the commitee. The committee will also receive visitors from the schools, and show them around the University.

Men will be urged by the committee to return to their schools as they are at other universities.

To Distribute Publications

The committee will also arrange to finance the gratutious distributions to schools of the University publications and thus to relieve them of a burden which is not properly theirs.


By these means the University will be kept in close touch with the schools and attempt to prevent misrepresentation.

It was voted to raise $120 to pay the expenses of the diner and luncheon at the Union to be given in honor of the delegates from other colleges to the M. I. T. Conference. This fund will be raised by assessing each class $30.

It was also decided to buy a ballot box, and to hold all elections herafter in the Class of '77 gate.

The recommendation in regard to the tutorial system was referred to the Committee on Scholarship
