


In anticipationn of the opening of the Intercollegiate Conferene on Friday, April 15, the M. I. T. committee on Enntertainment has complete its plans for welcoming the delegates to Cambridge. Included in the program are a dance and a banquet at M. I. T., and a dinner and a luncheon in the Union, the last as evidences of the courtesy which the University wishes to extend to the men of the visitinng colleges. The dinner will be given at 6.30 o'clock on friday evening, and the luncheon at 1 o'clock on Sturday, both in the Trophy Room.

Forty guests have been invited for cach day, and it is expected that before the dinner and after the luncheon they will be shown some of the grounds and buildings of the University. C. W. Baker '22, who is in charge of the entertainments at the Union, has announced that the total cost of these will be about $120.

Conference Subjects in Five Groups

The subjects that will be taken up by the Conference fall under five main heads. These are: (1) The Student governing Body, (2) Athletic Organization, (3) Faculty, (4) Publications, and (5) College Theatrical and Musical Clubs. These questions will be dealt with in three meetings, one on Friday morning, one on Saturday morning and one on Saturday afternoon. In the first two of these the different groups will convene seprately; that is, delegates representing student government will meet togather, delegates representing publications will meet together, and so on. On Saturday afternoon, however, all the delegates will gather in one connvention, and the Conference will close that night with the M. I. T. banquet.

The delegates will live in the M. I. T. fraternity houses during the Conference, and those who attend the dinner in the Union on Friday night will be taken back to the dance by M. I. T.
