The idea of entertaining at Harvard the delegates to the M. I. T. Conference will meet with the approval of the entire student body. Over a score of American colleges ranging from Maine to California and from Wisconsin to Louisiana, are sending representatives to Technology. With delegates coming to Cambridge from all sections of the country, it is only fitting that Harvard should have some share in welcoming them..
The visit of members of the Intercollegiate Conference will serve further to set right some current misnomers about the University. Harvard has often been accused of aloofness and lack of cordial feeling toward other, less ancient seats of the higher education. She has failed at times to display the enthusiasm commonly exhibited elsewhere is receiving visiting teams; the premature refusal on the part of the Student Council to sponsor the conference might also have been interpreted as evidence of coldness. By fostering friendly intercourse between "courteous host and all-approving guest" --to use Byron's words--, Harvard will help to dispel any illusions the country at large may entertain as to her supposedly unfriendly attitude.
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