

Freshman Crew Leads by Three Lengths When Stiff Wind Stops Rowing on Saturday--Coach Howe Shifts Second and Third Yearling Eights

For a combination that has only rowed together three weeks, the Freshman eight showed both great power and well-developed coordination on Saturday when Dr. Howe gave them a chance in a trial race against crew B of the University squad, and they led their older rivals by two lengths of open water after a mile and five-eights of rowing. It was originally planned that the Freshmen should race the first University crew over the Henley distance of a mile and seven-eights, but a change in the seating of the first boat made on Friday, decided Coach Haines in favor of the second crew, while rough water in the lower bay caused the coaches to call off the race with about a quarter of a mile still to go.

Starting off at the Cottage Farm bridge the yearling eight with the stroke reaching 40, took the lead, and then settled into an even 28 from which Amory never varied for the rest of the race. Crew B on the other hand changed its stroke constantly from 28 to 32. At Harvard Bridge the Freshmen shot under the span almost two lengths ahead, and with five minutes flat as their record for the distance, which is only slightly less than a mile. In the Lower Basin the 1924 crew gained another length when Coach Haines ordered the race off and sent the two boats to the banks of the river. They had hardly reached the side of the river when both shells were swamped.

Coach Howe has shifted the seating in the second and third Freshman eights on the basis of the work done in the last three weeks. Beginning today the seating in these two shells will be as follows:

Crew 2.--Stroke, J. R. Hoover; 7, Standish Bradford; 6, Horatio Bigelow; 5, J. D. Jameson; 4, W. A. Coolidge; 3, D. S. Holder; 2, David Sears 2nd; bow, H. L. Parker; cox, Graham Veale.

Crew 3.--Stroke, H. W. Spencer; 7, M. W. McGreevy; 6, H. C. Lodge Jr.; 5, E. K. McCagg; 4, W. R. Baylies; 3, R. S. Bowers; 2, G. G. Walker (captain) bow, Thawald Sonchez; cox, J. H. Sherburne.


There will be a meeting of the dormitory crews at 7 o'clock, and of the 150 pound crews to 7.30 o'clock on Wednesday evening in the Smith Hall Common Room to discuss plans for the rest of the season
