

Additional Men May Report at H.A. A. at 1.15 P. M. Today Without Being Handicapped--Spring Track Practice Starts Next Monday

On account of the additional burden which the Intercollegiate Track Meet on May 27-28 will put on the management, more track manager candidates are needed than reported yesterday. The competition will be held open until 1.15 today for any additional men who wish to go out. Candidates who report at the H. A. A. before that time will be under no handicap.

The managerial work required is hard but gives valuable experience to the candidates and the contest will last until the Intercollegiate Meet, May 27-28. The winner of this competition becomes second assistant manager and in his Senior year manager. The second man in the competition is awarded the assistant managership of the cross-country team and becomes manager of that his last year.

At 2.30 on Monday, Coach W. J. Bingham '16 will assemble all University and Freshman track candidates at the Locker Building to outline the work for the season. As was done last year, the men will be divided into squads according to the various events and each squad will work out at different times so that each man will receive individual coaching.

On the spring trip, which starts April 16, about thirty men will be taken. The informal meets which are to be held on April 19 with Pennsylvania State College and on April 23 with the University of Pennsylvania will serve to get the team in condition early. The first formal meet of the season for the University will be the Penn Relay Carnival on April 29 and 30.
