

Manuscripts of All Competitors Must Contain Both Words and Music

The opening of the Freshman Class Song Contest has been announced by M. A. Shattuck 3L., in charge of 1924 singing, and S. N. Brown '24, leader of the Freshman Glee Club. The winning song will be given by the combined Class Chorus and Freshman Glee Club at the Jubilee on May 30. Either of the two men mentioned above will receive the manuscripts, which must contain both music and words. The music may be of any soft, from "jazz" to hymnal as along as it coincides with the thought of the verse Dr. A. T. Davison, director of the University Glee Club, will assist Mr. Shattuck in selecting the winning song.

Although the first rehearsals of all the three Freshman dormitory choruses in preparation for the 1924 Jubilee were scheduled for the beginning of this week, the Smith Hall choruses, who practiced Tuesday night, are the only ones who have actually started work. The first Standish Hall rehearsal will take place next week, but the Gore Hall practice has been postponed indefinitely because there is no piano in the Common Room.
