

Elis Already at Spring Practice While Tigers Are About to Begin--Yale and Princeton Schedules Given

With only a little more than three months passed since the close of the 1920 football season, March finds Yale already at spring practice, and Princeton, with all her plans laid, about to begin. Schedules have been arranged, coaches have been selected, captains chosen, and the season of 1921 is under way.

From the relics of last year's team Yale has on the whole little to expect. "Fido" Kempton, "Tim" Osllahan, and Dickens, the three outstanding men on the team are gone. So are Dilworth, one of their best ends. Walker, the tall tackle, Acosia at guard, and Murphy, Kelly, and Lay from the backfield. But Hean and Cutler are available for the ends, into at tackle, Herr at guard, Cross at center, and Aldrich, Sturm and Jerdan in the backfield. And then Yale has its championship 1924 eleven with which to bolster out the depleted ranks. O'Hearn, quarterback on the eleven, and captain of the hockey team, is a worthy successor to Kempton: lacking some of the latter's aggressiveness, he has just as much speed and as great ability at shifty running. He came to Cambridge this fall heralded as a speedy runner but as a man who went down easily when tackled, but in the exhibition he gave against the University yearlings he showed a phenomenal ability to stick to his feet even when tackled. Together with his running partner. Neidlinger, he romped through the Crimson defense for long gains. In the line the Blue yearlings will furnish at least one star. Captain Blair, a former Hotchkiss player who showed great strength both on the offense and defense against the University.

After two disastrous years of football. Yale has determined upon a definite and energetic policy, the principal feature of which consists of giving T. A. D. Jones, former star and coach for 1920, a position as head coach to extend over a period of years. Captain Malcolm Aldrich and the Alumni Advisory Committee on Football joined in recommending the appointment of Jones, which was ratified by the Board of Athletic Control. "Tad" Jones played on the Yale team four years as quarterback, coming to New Haven as head coach in 1916, the year "Cupid" Black's team defeated the University. His work at Yale was interrupted by the war, but he returned as head coach last year only to have his team go down in defeat two times, blanked by both Princeton and the University Commenting on the appointment under the heading "The Solution: "Tad Jones", the "Yale News" after speaking of the need of a definite "system" and of a good coach at Yale, closes its editorial optimistically. "And with 'Tad' Jones back with time to build up a system such as has been utterly lacking since the days of Tad Coy, it looks as if ancient football laurels might come back home." P>Spring practice was officially opened on February 14 at a meeting in the "Y" Club at which "Tad" Jones, Captain Aldrich and Plainer Mack emphasized varying aspects of the football situation. On the following day the ends, backs and line reported in the Case

Yale's schedule follows

September 24, Bates College at New Haven; October 1, U. of Vermont at New Haven; October 15, U. of North Carolina at New Haven; October 22, Army at New Haven; October 29, Brown at New Haven; November 5, U. of Maryland at New Haven; November 12, Princeton at New Haven; November 19, the University at Cambridge.


Princeton Rich in Experienced Men

If Yale is handicapped beyond ordinary conditions by the loss of its best men and strengthened correspondingly by the arrival of new stars, the exact opposite holds true at Princeton. The Tigers lose only five men who could in any way be regarded as regulars or first string substitutes by graduation this year. "Mike" Callahan, captain of the 1920 team, and "Joe" Scheerer, the famous punter, are the two greatest losses Princeton will feel. Stiuson and Davis on the ends and Halsey at tackle are the only other men of importance to go. But Thomas is capable of filling Calshan's shoes, while with such men as Lourie. Garrity, Witmer, Murrey, Cleaves and Gilroy available for the backfield Scheerer will not be missed. The line is even more secure, for in addition to McManmen, Keek, Hooper and Dickenson, the Orange and Black can call on their whole ineligible squad, the famous "some letters", who battled the regulars to many a standstill last fall, while in Frank Kutan, all Freshman tackle in 1919 and a regular on the Princeton team until injured last fall, the Tigers have a player who will give Hooper a battle for one of the tackle positions. From their yearling team the Princetonians have little to hope for, with Emery and Smith in the backfield as the only men of university eslibre, but in 1921 there is no need of new material at the New Jersey College. This is in direct contrast to the situation at Yale, where great hopes are staked on O'Hearn and his teammates.

The Tiger's schedule for 1921 includes games with Chicago University with Yale and with the University, and is arranged for the following dates:

October 1, Swarthmove at Princeton; October 8, Colgate at Princeton; October 16, Navy at Annapolis; October 22, Chicago at Princeton; October 29, U. of Virginia at Princeton, November 5, the University at Princeton; November 15, Yale at New Haven

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