John T. Slattery, the University base ball coach, has behind him a long record in baseball experience, playing and coaching, college ball and professional ball, on the lessons of which he is successfully building a capable team this year. And Coach Slattery also has an insight into college men and conditions that is the fortune of few big leaguers who have taken up coaching at institutions of learning.
Jack Slattery was born in Boston in 1880 and attended the South Boston High School. He played on the teams at Fordham College and after graduating was a student at Tufts Dental School.
Was a Catcher for the Red Sox
His ability as a ball player, however, was too great to allow him to drop out of the game. In 1901 as catcher of the Boston Red Sox he first made a name for himself in the major leagues. Two years later he caught for the Chicago White Sox. Then followed seasons in the New York State League, at Milwaukee, with the Cardinals at St. Louis, at Oakland, California, with the Washington Americans, and at Toronto. He has generally played behind the bat, although he has done some duty at first base.
It was with the bat that he stood out most prominently, and pitchers in the select circle of baseball, in the International League, and out on the Pacific Coast were anything but pleased with the prospect of trying to slip over a fast one to him. In 1909 he led the Pacific Coast League in batting and two years later had the highest batting and fielding averages in the International League, batting well over 300. He has headed a total of nine leagues in batting averages.
From 1914 through the end of 1917, Slattery was baseball coach at Tufts, rescuing the team from a bad slump in playing and causing it to be known as one of the strongest college teams in the country. He showed marked ability to develop batters and batteries of high rank, and his teams have been known to play baseball at all times.
Coach Slattery first took charge of the University players in the fall of 1919. After a successful fall season, he coached the team through a long season in which several games were lost, but the ultimate aim, the defeat of Yale, was accomplished.
Coach Slattery is particularly keen for college men, their undergraduate life and traditions, and college men have always liked him. This hearty cooperation between player and instructor has been an important factor in his success
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