


Twenty-two men left Hanover-Friday on the Dartmouth Outing Club's mid-winter trip to the New Hampshire Presidential Ranger. A second party left yesterday and plans to return Friday. Both parties are under the leadership of E. G. Plowman '22. The undertaking includes an attempt to climb Mount Washington on skis, using creepers and ropes above the tree line.


By a vote greater than any previous student voluntary referendum has ever brought forth, the Cornell Honor System won a victory Friday, with the final count totaling 3852 votes cast, and with a ten to one majority in favor of the proposed constitution. The measure now goes before the faculty in the form of a report by the Student Committee.



It has been definitely announced that four new dormitories and a new School of Architecture will be erected in the near future at Princeton. If present plans are followed, foundations for the dormitories will be laid in the spring. The actual construction of the School of Architecture will be begun shortly after.

The four new dormitories will take care of 400 men, bringing the total of the number of students on the campus up to 1700. It is improbable that any other dormitories will be built for a few years.

The sites for the proposed dwellings will be on the tract between Hill Dormitory and the Pennsylvania station, running along University Place. One of these dormitories, housing 170 men, will be the largest on the campus. All of them will be built in the collegiate type of Gothic architecture similar to the buildings of Oxford and Cambridge.


Alan Lamplough Becket of East Orange, New Jersey, was elected captain of the Williams hockey team for the 1921-1922 season at a meeting of the letter men held recently. Becket has been a member of the hockey team for the past two years, and during the season just past, starred in practically every game, besides being the highest individual scorer for the season.

In response to the call for candidates 62 men reported for baseball at Williams recently when, under the direction of Coach Jack Coombs and Captain Finn, baseball practice was begun in earnest. The squad is one of the largest which has reported in recent years and exactly equals that of last year.

As the team has less experienced material this year than usual, special efforts will be made to develop new men. Among last year's veterans are Holmes and Patton, pitchers, and Captain Finn for the catching position with R. W. Smith as a substitute. Hoyt and Ward are also available for the infield. There is some promising material among the freshmen, and further additions to the squad are expected at the close of the basketball season on March 12.


By defeating Cornell and Syracuse in the N. Y. A. C. Saturday night, the Yale two-mile relay team, composed of Hilles, O'Brien. Siemens and Campbell, moved one step nearer the indoor championship at that distance. The time, 7 minutes 58 1-5 seconds, is within one-fifth of the world's record.

At the crew meeting held at the "Y", Club Saturday night, the first since Coach Nickalls' return, plans for crew practice at Yale this spring were announced. The meeting was addressed by Captain Hord and Coach Nickalls.

Captain Hord the first speaker briefly outlined the plans for the coming season. Training for all candidates starts at once. The training table will not commence until after the holidays, at which time the crews will go to Derby and will practice there until after the Columbia race. Subsequently Coach Nickalls will take two University crews with four substitutes and one Freshman--crew with four substitutes to the regular crew quarters at Gales Ferry.
