

School, Situated on Philippine Islands, Issues Call for Three Teachers

To the men of the University and other colleges of the United States comes a call to fill necessary teaching positions in educational institutions of the Philippine Islands and China. The offers guarantee men opportunities for an outdoor life, considerable travel, and a broadening influence gained from contact with foreign peoples in foreign lands, and from work of constructive and satisfying kind.

The Baguio School, which needs three or four instructors, is situated in the mountains of northern Luzon, a day's trip from Manila, five thousand feet in height and of ideal climate. Founded in 1909, the school had grown in influence and its equipment had become complete when its teaching force was diminished with the outbreak of the War. Aiming first as a preparatory school for sons of American families within the Philippines, the school had grown to include boys from other parts of the Far East, Hong Kong, Canton, and even the Malay Archipelago. But in 1917 the school lost its headmaster and gradually all the masters; now for two years it has been closed although substantial professional and business men of the islands have offered their backing and personal influence to keep it open.

Baguio in Heart of Mountains

Baguio is in the Igorot country, the entrance to a region of mountains and the home of wild tribes whose life is fascinating: and this native touch enters into the life of the school in many ways.

The masters of recent years have represented different American colleges, and now that the War is over the school believes three or four men might wish to go out on short term to take up a piece of work that is both of service and of interesting personal experience.


St. John's University of Shanghai also is desirous of obtaining the services of several American college men for three year terms to teach in Physics, Political Science, and Commerce departments. China's ancient civilization in this transition age is being modernized, and no stronger influence to the progress of development is at work than that of institutions like St. John's.

Full details of salary, transportation and living arrangements may be secured from the Reverend Byrie Jacob Osborne, Mather Court, Cambridge.
