

Prof. W. Z. Ripley to Introduce Mr. Gompers at Liberal Club Meeting in Union on Thursday at 8 P. M.

Definite arrangements for Samuel Gompers' speech at the Union on Thursday have just been announced by the Liberal Club of the University, under whose auspices Mr. Gompers is to speak. He will take as his topic. "The Case for the Closed Shop", presenting labor's point of view on this question of national interest Mr. Gompers has taken a very positive stand in regard to the subject of the open and closed shop, offering strenuous opposition to the proponents of the open shop system, who have been so active of late.

W. Z. Ripley, professor of Political Economy, will preside at the meeting, which will be held in the Living Room of the Union at 8 o'clock on Thursday. The meeting is intended primarily for members of the Union, but ladies will be accommodated to the extent of the balcony.
