

Handicap Meet to Stimulate Interest in Track to Mark End of Winter Season--Will Award Medals

The annual winter track carnival which is to be held tomorrow marks the end of the winter season, and will serve as a means of gaining experience for the handicap and interclass meets which will be held early in the spring. The purpose of the meet is to stimulate widespread interest in track, especially among the so-called second string men. With this purpose in view all the events of the meet will be arranged with handicaps.

Medals will be awarded for the men winning first, second, and third places. Everyone who competes will have as fair a chance to win one of the first three places as the most consistent regular man on the team.

The events will include the 40-yard dash, 45-yard hurdles, 300-yard dash, 600-yard run, 1000-yard run, mile run, high-jump, 16-pound shot-put, pole-vault, and 35-pound weight throw. There will also be an interclass relay race, with as many men on each team as wish to run. Men wishing to enter any events should sign up in the bluebooks at the Locker Building, Leavitt and Peirce, or the Freshman dormitories.
