

Will Hold Trials Tonight at 7 For Glee Club, and Will Pick Orchestra Later in Week--Mass Meeting of Entire Class is Planned

Active work in preparation for the Freshman Jubilee will begin this week with the first trials for the 1924 Orchestra and the first meeting of the dormitory choruses scheduled. Further trials will be held for the Freshman Glee Club tonight at 7 o'clock in Smith Halls Common Room. Although over sixty men were retained at the first tryouts held last Tuesday, a few positions still remain open and an opportunity will be offered to candidates to show their ability in order to fill them.

M. A. Shattuck 3L. in Charge

Plans for the Orchestra are at present in joint charge of M. A. Shattuck 3L., who is directing the work of the Glee Club, and of Richard Stewart Bowers '24 of Brookline, who has been chosen as provisional leader. The Orchestra will play in the concert on the afternoon of the Jubilee and may have some outside engagements with the Glee Club during the spring; the trials will come some time early this week.

A large mass meeting for all three dormitories will also be held in Smith Halls Common Room during the week for the purpose of stimulating interest in the work and of explaining the necessity of participation by all members of the class.

With the appointment of the Jubilee Committee which will be announced in the near future and which will have charge of all the arrangements for the festivity, the preliminary work for the Jubilee will be complete.
