

Nine Men Picked to Continue Training For Triangular Contest With Yale and Princeton on March 18

As the result of trials held last Saturday afternoon, nine men have been retained on the University debating squad. From these, six regulars and three alternates will be chosen to represent the University in the annual triangular debate against Yale and Princeton on March 18.

A strict routine of training has been laid out for the team, and the men will take part in practice debates nearly every evening, the first to be held tonight at 8 o'clock in Harvard 6. For this first practice the men will line up as follows:

Affirmative.--W. J. Donner '21, R. S. Fanning Unc., C. W. Phelps '22.

Negative.--E. D. Hutchinson '22, S. A. Rosenblatt '22, W. S. Holbrook '21.

Besides these speakers, C. H. Wheldon '22, P. R. Harmel '23 and B. F. Jones will also make short speeches. The question used for practice will be that of the debate, "Resolved, that the Employers of Labor Should Give Up Their Principle of the Open Shop." The team has been fortunate enough to engage the services of Frank Stern '11 as coach of the team, and it is probable that he will attend this informal session to begin the work of training the men for the Intercollegiate Meet.
