

Reisman's Brunswick and Jefferson-Johnson Orchestras to Play From 9.30 P. M. to 4 A. M.--Furniture to be Collected This Morning

The 16th annual Junior Dance will take place this evening in the Union with three hundred and thirty couples and a large number of stags participating in the dancing. The music will commence at 9.30 o'clock and during the first half-hour the patronesses will receive; the first dance will begin promptly at 10 o'clock and from then on at regular fifteen minute periods the twenty dances will be played off. Super will be served in the intermission between the tenth and eleventh dances. The music will be furnished by Leo Reisman's Brunswick Orchestra and the Jefferson-Johnson Orchestra, both of Boston. Any couples arriving late must forgo the card dances they miss, and cutting-in will not be allowed before the first encore.

Tickets will not be sold at the door this evening but may be procured from 2 to 6 this afternoon at Apthorp House, and at the same time the dance programs will be distributed. Men not calling there, may get them at the Union in the evening, as well as the list of guests and the diagram of the boxes.

Positions of boxes on the second floor of the Union have been changed to fit in with a new arrangement, whereby the boxes, originally put in the Trophy Room will be put up in the Library. Boxes AA to CC are in the south wing of the Library, HH to UU in the center of the north wing, and DD to GG in the hall. This arrangement does not make a change in letters.

Automobiles may be parked on Harvard, Quincy, and Prescott streets. The driveway of the Union may be entered only by the Quincy street entrance.

The times at which trucks will collect furniture have been changed, according to the following list:


Route 1--8.15, Drayton; 8.30, 66 Winthrop 8.45 53 Dunster St.; 9.00, 54 Dunster St.; 9.15-9.55, Dunster Hall; 10.00, Dana Chambers; 10.30, 1234 Massachusetts Ave.; 10.40, Fairfax Hall; 10.50. Beck Hall; 11.30, Walter Hastings; 11.50, 13 Waterhouse St.; 12-15 Perkins Hall; 12.40, 60 Wendell St.; 1.00, 465 Broadway; 1.45-2.00, Holworthy; 2.00, Stoughton; 2.10, Hollis; 2.20, Matthews; 3.00, Grays; 3.15, Weld; 3.30, Thayer.

Route 2--8.15, Apley Court; 8.45, 27 Holyoke; 9.00, 29 Holyoke; 9.10, 33 Holyoke; 9.20, Gore; 9.40, 6 Holyoke Place; 10.00-10.15, 68 Mt. Auburn; 10.30, 52 Mt. Auburn; 10.45, 30 Mt. Auburn; 11.00, Claverly; 11.30-11.45, Randolph; 12.15-12.30, Russell; 1.00, Russell Annex; 1.15, 35 Bow St.; 1.30, Westmorely; 2.00, Apthorp; 2.30, 5 Linden.

It is essential that a representative of each box be with his furniture on the ground floor of his dormitory at the stated time, and see that the furniture gets in his box at the Union.
