

Nine New Candidates 'Work Out Under Coach Knox at Yesterday's Practice, Drilling on Fundamentals--Men Tabulated According to Positions

In addition to H. H. Faxon '21, C. F. Havemeyer '21, F. J. Johnson ocC., and R.S. Humphrey '21, "H" men who were coaching the spring football players at Soldiers Field yesterday nine more candidates reported for practice. These were P.O. Chalmers Unc., J.G. Cronin '22 and P.E. Wilson '23, halfbacks J. S. Greenberg Unc, and J.W. Watson '23, quarterbacks; Arthur Anthony Unc, and T. E. Kiggen "22, guards: E.M. Rubin '22, center: and J.M. Cooper '23 tackle.

Head Coach Fisher was not out for practice yesterday, Coach J.L. Knox '98 taking charge in his absence. The lines-men had a brief workout on the dummies, while the backs ran through a few simple plays. Captain R.K. Kane '22 took charge of the ends, who were put through some light forward-passing practice; Faxon drilled the squad in the method of falling on the ball, while Have-meyer assisted the centers, Humphrey the punters and Johnson the quarterbacks. After practice the entire squad jogged easily around the-Stadium.

Men Listed by Positions

A tabulation of the positions of all men out for spring football shows the following results:

Halfbacks--P.O. Chalmers Unc., P. F. Coburn '23, J. G. Cronin '22, J. L. Fearing '22, A. L. Giroux '24, F. S. Howard '22, F. H. Hovey '22, D. Mck. Key '22, Robert Martin '23, L. R. Nichols '24, K. S. Pfaffman '24 and R. L. Wright Unc.


Quarterbacks.--C. F. Farback Unc., J. S. Greenbery Unc., W. P. Howe '24, H. B. Humphrey '22, F. J. Johnson ocC., Yohnie Ketnas Unc., F. W. Pratt '23 and J. W. Watson '22.

Guards--Arthur Anthony Unc., B. S. Cogan '23, H. S. Grew '24, R.D. Gross'24, T. E. Kiggen '22, R. F. Murphy '23, J. R. Reynolds '23, G. A. Saxton '22, C. L. Short '23, J. M. Thompson Unc., W. Von Phul Unc, and H. B. Wagner Unc.

Tackles,--J. M. Cooper '23, G. M. Dickson '22, C. A. C. Eastman '23, E. D. Hamilton '23, J. J. Hankins Unc., T. W. Harrington Unc., F. T. Potter '24 and J. G. Woodworth '22.

Ends,--Otis Barton '22, G. A. Gillette '22, R. K. Kane '22, W. V. Miller '23, S. P. Moorhead '22, C. B. Newhall '23 Bolling Robertson Unc. and P.S. Sprague '24.

Centers, L. W. Post '23, E. M. Rubin '22 and E. C. Wilson '23.
