

Professor Munro Urges Understanding Study of Needs of Aliens, Instead of Blind Forcing of American Customs Upon Foreign-Born Inhabitants

The annual dinner and conference for social service workers was held last night in the Trophy Room of the Union Immediately after the dinner, R. R. Higgins '22, chairman of the Social Service Committee, introduced Mr. George Greener, a prominent social worker in Boston.

Mr. Greener spoke on "Volunteers in Social Settlements." He told what a social settlement must be, its opportunities for serving the community, and the requirements and opportunities for men in the work. Hugo Francke'15, who followed him, said that the chief problem in industry today is the lack of understanding between employer and employee. Social service, he said, is the best possible connecting link between the two, and the social worker has an excellent opportunity to get at the difficulty and help to remedy it. T.S. Woods spoke on "Social Service and Some of Its Experiences."

Professor W. B. Munro'99 spoke last, on "Americanization." Professor Munro is chairman of the Americanization Committee of the Massachusetts American Legion. After showing that the present agitation for Americanization is due to a widespread conviction of the need of solidarity and of common ideal in this country, Professor Munro said that at present Americanization is carried on too much with the idea that everything American must be imposed on every foreigner. Hr urged an understanding of the alien with a view to learning what he has to teach us, and an Americanization with an ideal not to convert but give the alien an understanding of and a confidence in American Institutions.
