

Meeting to Be Held at 7.30 P. M. in Smith Halls Common Room--Varied Entertainment Arranged

The first Freshman "Get Together" meeting of the year will be held tonight at 7.30 in Smith Halls Common Room. Different musical organizations, among them the '24 Orchestra, a Jazz Band, a Banjo and Mandolin Club, and a Double Male Quartet, will offer various selections of popular and classical music. There will also be several vaudeville acts presented by members of the Freshman Class.

The purpose of the "get together" meetings, which are a new departure in Freshman activities this year, is to bring together men in the class who come from different schools and would not ordinarily find much in common. The Entertainment Committee under the leadership of R. S. Bowers '24 will be in charge of the "get together" meetings and other class gatherings of the same kind.

There will be refreshments and cigarettes served at the meeting.
