

Standish and Gore Start Rehearsals for Jubilee Tonight, Smith Tomorrow

The singing of the Hall Choruses in preparation for the Freshman Jubilee will begin tonight in Standish and Gore Halls at 7 o'clock; the first rehearsal in Smith, however, will not be held until the same time tomorrow evening. M. A. Shattuck 3L. will have general charge of all the singing in the various dormitories and will be assisted by E. C. Bennett '18 in Standish, by R. G. Brown '18 in Gore, and by W. C. Bennet '23 in Smith.

The importance of the singing in the plan of the Jubilee was emphasized at the Jubilee Mass Meeting by President Lowell, by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, and by M. A. Shattuck 3L., all of whom declared that attendance at the weekly rehearsals was absolutely essential, if the Jubilee were to be approved. The work tonight will last for about half an hour.

Announcement was made yesterday by the officers of the Jubilee Committee that the competition for the Class Song was now open; all men should hand in their songs to S. N. Brown '24, James Smith, B 14.
