
Lothrop to Row in Oxford Race

F. B. Lothrop '20, who rowed No. 2 oar in the University crew last year, will take the same position in the Oxford University shell in the four-mile race against Cambridge next Wednesday.

This race is the classic of English collegiate rowing, and in the course of a discussion on the possibilities of the race, the rowing expert of the London Times dwelt at length on Lothrop's ability. He said that, "in the crew of the Oxford squad, the outstanding oarsman is F. Lothrop, who rowed at No. 2 in last year's Harvard eight which defeated Yale. He is well-built and works extremely hard. His arm work at the finish is good and when he has learned to combine his body and slide more perfectly, he should be a valuable acquisition to Oxford. At present, he is inclined to row the stroke in two pieces."
