

Thirty Colleges Have Already Accepted Invitation to Send Representatives to Convention to Discuss Problems of Student Government.

Ninety-six delegates, representing thirty colleges and universities of the country have definitely accepted the invitation to attend the Intercollegiate Conference on Undergraduate Government to be held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology on April 15 and 16. Definite figures as to colleges and number of delegates, received at headquarters yesterday, have been issued as follows:

Amherst College 6, Bowdoin College 4, Columbia University 2, Cornell University 4, Dartmouth College 4, Harvard University 4, Iowa State College 1, Lehigh University 6, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4, Mississippi University 1, Ohio State University 4, Massachusetts Agricultural College 4, Penn State College 2, Princeton University 4, Purdue University 1, Stevens Institute of Technology 4, Trinity College 4, University of Pennsylvania 4, University of Pittsburg 1, University of Maine 4, University of Vermont 1, University of North Carolina 4, University of Illinois 2, University of Michigan 4, University of Wisconsin 1, University of Chicago 1, Washington and Lee Univer- sity 4, Wesleyan University 5, Williams College 4, Yale University 2.

Of the college and universities invited only one has definitely declined the invitation and only on account of the expense involved. The others have either not yet replied or are awaiting decision by their respective student councils. Among those who are still undecided are Colgate. Brown, Indiana, West Virginia and the University of Minnesota.

The Banquet Committee is making extensive preparations for the formal dinner on the last day of the Conference, and expects to be able to announce a list of prominent speakers in the near future. Detailed arrangements for the entertainment of the delegates are being made by the Entertainment Committee.

The actual work of the discussions will be in the hands of the Executive Committee, with one man from the Committee appointed as chairman of each one of the four divisions of discussion. Reports on conditions in their respective colleges are being sent in by the delegates to these chairmen now. J. C. Telmosse of the University of Pennsylvania is in charge of the discussion on Student Government; T. C. McEaehin of Princeton will act as chairman of the meeting discussing Publications; D. B. Stuckler of Cornell is chairman of the Athletic Committee; and R. W. Elsasser of Dartmouth is in charge of the discussion on Musical Clubs and Dramatics
