

Applications Should be Made Before April 1 at Dean Briggs' Office--Tenure is for One Year.

Men who wish to apply for the Fiske Scholarship at Trinity College. Cambridge, next year, should do so at the office of Dean Briggs 10 University Hall before April 1.

The Fiske Scholarship the value of which is reckoned at about $400 was established by Charles H. Fiske Jr. '93 in memory of his son. Charles H. Fiske 3d, '19, to be tenable by a American student nominated by the President of the University.

The candidate nominated "must be at least qualified for admission to the University" and must, therefore have passed his admission examinations to the University. The nomination by the President and Fellows of the University must be accompanied (together with evidence of character and attainments) by a statement of the course of study which the nominee proposes to take. The tenure is for end year with power to the council of Trinity College to renew it for a second or third year.

This year the scholarship is held by Paul Birdsall '21 of Albauy. N. Y. who has just sent word that he cannot stay in Cambridge next year. This throws the scholarship open to some members or graduate of the University.

Further information may be obtained University 10.
