

Eight-Game Schedule to Be Played During Two Week's Stay at Macon, Georgia

Twenty-two players and several coaches and managers made up the Yale baseball squad when it left for the South last Tuesday. The team arrived Wednesday in Macon, Georgia, where it is to spend the next two weeks in practice sessions and games. A schedule of eight games has been arranged, the first of which is to be played today with Auburn College. Seven of the eight games are to be played in Macon, at the new ball park which the citizens of Macon have built especially for the Eli players.

H. C. Selleck last year's veteran twirler is sick in the Infirmary and was unable to accompany the team. This leaves Coxe as the only letter man on the pitching squad, but there are several other promising men, of whom Lazarus who was ineligible last year, is making the best showing.
