

Scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, Under Auspices of P. B. H.--All Students Interested in Social Service Invited--Many Workers Needed

A dinner and Social Service Conference under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union next Wednesday evening, March 30. All members of the University who are either taking part in or are interested in Social Service are invited. The heads of several of the Boston settlement houses will be present, and will speak on the various features of settlement work.

During the past winter the Social Service Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association has had requests for over five hundred workers from various settlement houses and boys' clubs in Boston and Cambridge. At a meeting last fall the needs of the settlement houses were outlined and volunteers called for. A large number of men answered the call and have been working throughout the winter under the direction of the Social Service Committee, but there have not been nearly enough workers to satisfy the demand.

Volunteers Urgently Needed

The need for volunteers is still urgent. There are a large number of standing petitions for aid either for boys' club work, associated charities (for older men) or for teaching. Social Service as done by University students, consists chiefly of boys' club work; of teaching, both foreigners and Sunday School classes; of athletic coaching; of entertainments, musical and otherwise; of associated charities, juvenile court, infirmary, and hospital work. There are still two more months of the College year during which social service work can be done to great advantage, and all men who feel they have the time are requested to make an attempt to do some kind of work. Information can be obtained, and registration blanks filled out, at the office in Phillips Brooks House.

The Social Service Secretary has issued a statement requesting those men who are doing social work of any form whatsoever, and who did not take up the work through the office at Phillips Brooks House, to inform him concerning their activities, in order that an accurate record may be made on by University students.
