

Pond Now at 7 in Place of McCagg, Who is at 6--Terry at 3, While Kunhardt Shifts to Crew B

Coach Haines made the first radical change of the year in the seating of the University eight, when he sent the first boat out with three men in new positions. T. T. Pond '21 has been shifted from Crew B to 7 on Crew A, displacing Captain Captain L. B. McCagg '22 who has moved to 6. Lawrence Terry 3E.S. moved to 3 and P. B. Kunhardt '23 went to 7 on Crew B.

The two first crews now are seated as follows:

Crew A: Bow, John Codman '22; 2. H. S. Morgan '23; 3. Lawrence Terry 3E.S.; 4. M. E. Olmsted '22; 5. R. M. Sedgwick '21; 6. Captain L. B. McCagg '22; 7. T. T. Pond '21; stroke, L. B. LaFarge '22.

Crew B: Bow, H. R. Atkinson '22; 2. S. A. Duncan '22; 3. G. M. Appleton '22; 4. Frances Fiske '23; 5. A. H. Ladd '23; 6. Gardiner Sutton '21; 7. P. B. Kunhardt '23; stroke, Dennet Withington '22.

E. L. Peirson '21 is coxswain on the first crew and F. S. Williams '22 of the second.
