

Three Committees, One for Each Dormitory, Appointed to Carry on Clean-up Drive, Which Ends Tuesday

A meeting of the Freshman, Finance Committee was held yesterday afternoon in the Standish Hall Common Room, and work for the clean-up drive, which will end next Tuesday, was started, Contrary to previous plans, there are to be only three committees formed, one for each dormitory. These are as follows:

Gore Hall--Harry Eldridge Jr., Chairman; K. N. Hill, L. B. Lock wood, T. W. Norris, George Dwight, H. S. Stone Jr., B. M. Rice and W. N: Gates.

Smith Halls,--W. L. Garrison 3rd, Chairman; Harry Dibbles Jr., S. P. Edgerton, J. U. Harris, B. McK. Henry, H. B. Tyler, E. St. R. Reynal and R. S. Hubbard.

Standish Hall,--F. K. Kernan Jr., Chairman; J. M. Begg, L. R. Nichols, R. C. Storey Jr., G. G. Walker, H. A. Wood, P. A. Byron and P. S. Sprague.

There are about 150 men in the class who have not yet subscribed to the class fund. Since these are evenly divided among the three dormitories, a competition will be held between the dormitory committees to see which can obtain the most money. Reports of the standing will be published from time to time.
