The quotations from the Cheated News printed today as "Comment" throw a revealing light on the factors affecting school boy in the choice of his college Prejudice, family influence, mistaken ideas, and details seems to be the elements which, more than any others, determine what way the pendulum will swing.
The average Pupil enters college with very little, if any, idea of what the college of his choice stands for. It is in presenting the true spirit of the college, and in stamping out wrong ideas, ---such as the popular version of the "Harvard" type referred to by the youth headed New Haven-ward--that college publicity can be of service. Propaganda and proselyting to more harm than good in their ultimate results, but sane publicity does a service to both the college and the school. By it a preparatory school boy can judge intelligently what his aim a mater should be; it will prevent a student from entering a college with whose ideals he is not in sympathy.
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