The following are quotations from the "Choate" News Written by boys in the school giving the reasons for the choice of their college.
To those who look forward to a life of luxurious ease, exotic dances, wild routs, we unanimously recommend Princeton. Yale does not need to be mentioned. But to those who seek an education of the highest order, one which is to serve them through life, we say Harvard.
Another consideration remains. In college you generally make the friends that are to last you through life. At a large college, such as Harvard, what an infinitely larger group you may choose your friends from! You may pick your friends with greater satisfaction both to yourself and to them. You bear the brand of the highest of your country. Harvard is your pass-key through society and life. The world regards you as of the best and welcomes you with open arms. A Williams man, a Princeton man, a Yale man--all are to be admired, to be discussed on their respective merits; but a Harvard man is a Harvard man--nothing more need be said. The world is satisfied.
Harvard, There is the Oxford of America, a university in every sense of the word, undoubtedly the best and foremost stronghold of real education and culture in our country. Unfortunately I was brought up in a part of the land where Harvard is usually spoken of in (shall I be conservative and say) neutral terms. Therefore my mind has a vague, ghostlike, untrue conception of a creature stamped "Harvard man" I fully realize how absurd my idea is, yet an idea is an idea and when it is stamped on the brain, well, it is bound to cling more or less. I really an scared I might get a Harvard mannerism, to be definite, and that is why Cambridge is taboo land to me.
Princeton. A general impression of snobbishness and "Brooksy suits." Ugh! Very repulsive to me in its "typeishness." Anyway, I never have liked New Jersey.
Yale, conservatism, and a good education and then the name Yale will stamp you as normal, manly, and a good man. Then it is also easy to tread in footsteps left by uncles, cousins, etc.
A good education can be got any-where. New Haven is not much worse than the average college town and near home. A good play (also musical comedies) and some good music comes there quite often. I am going to college to be able to read good books of every description at leisure, get acquainted with new and interesting thoughts, meet men, and have a delightful four years of life, to lead more or less as I choose. Yale is suitable.
The first question in the choice of the college where you may waste the last four years of your educational period of life is whether you shall attend a small college or one of the large universities.
To come from Princeton means some-things more than, to come from White, a college of five hundred. There is more doing at a larger college and more chance to make use of your varied abilities.
Having put the small college by the board, the next question is: which university shall if be? John said Princeton: and, If he did not give any extensive reasons, here they are; First and fore-most is the Princeton spirit. Be fortune over so bad for the Orange and Black, the Tiger never knows defeat. From Maine to California the fighting spirit of Old Nassan is a by-word. Like the college class. Members of each class stick together through life as they do at no other college. In no other university in the East is there such democratic feeling. This is due in large part to the absence of fraternities which always build up cliques and make for a feeling of superiority to members over those not so fortunate. But, that the social functions of the "frats" may not be neglected, the eating clubs have been established which amply fulfill all the social duties of the "frats" At the same time however, they keep up the democratic feeling throughout the college. Cheate New
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