

Was Stroke on The University Eight in 1919--Will Coach the 150 Pound Crews

As a result of the recent races and reorganization of the seating, new captains have been chosen by lot for practically all the Freshman crews as follows: crew 2, Milton William McGreevy of Kansas City, Mo.; crew 3, Howard Lewis Parker of Detroit, Mich.; crew 4, John Grimes Walker Thomas of Boston.

150 Pound Crews: crew 1, Henry Kimball Prince of Short Hills, N. J.; crew 2, Richard Tuttle Loring Jr. of Newtonville.

Four Oared Crews: crew 1, Eliot Furness Porter of Hubbard Woods, Ill.; crew 2, Horace Lane Arnold of Brookline; crew 3, Joseph Irving King of Los Angeles, Cal.; crew 4, Charles Carey Colt of Florentin, Paris.

Dormitory Crews: Smith Hall, Melville Parkhurst Cordingly of Newton Center; Gore Hall, Edwin Katte Merrill of Bedford Hills, N. J.; Standish Hall, Thomas Livermore Wells of Denver, Col.

Probation Crew: Charles Bagg Cooper of Syracuse, N. Y.


Announcement has just been made that Delmar Leighton '19, stroke of the University eight in his last year, will coach the 150 pound crews on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The first four crews will practice on Saturdays until further notice.

Excellent rowing by several of the reorganized Freshman crews, notably the new first crew, marked the opening day of practice under the new arrangements yesterday. The first eight was sent up the Charles on a long row, but returned working as smoothly as an ordinary late spring boat. Lack of cohesion and team work, however, marked the work of some of the lower crews.

All in all Coach Haines and his assistants are very well pleased both with the work yesterday and in the races; material made up chiefly of men who played football during the fall, is very good for first eights.
