An editorial which recently appeared in the Michigan Daily asserts that contrary to sentiments one hears frequently about college the successful scholar is not looked down upon for gaining high marks; he receives congratulations whereever he goes; he holds the admiration of acquaintances who realize that he is a human being as well as a scholar; and his is the case where virtue is its own reward."
Independent investigations made some time ago by President Lowell and by Professor Dexter of the University of Illinois have brought out the surprisingly close correlation between excellence in college studies and the chance of appearing in "Who's Who." This test, although admittedly and imperfect criterion of true achievement, is nevertheless one of the best available indications of leadership in American life. Tabulations involving thousands of college graduates show that the average college man has one chance in fifty of winning his way into this category of the famed. But the chance of the Phi Beta Kappa man is three times as good.
From data obtained here at Harvard it appears further that the possibility of getting into "Who's Who" is intimately connected with a man's standing in his class. Of students graduating with highest honors a third are mentioned in that book; of those graduating with honors about a fifth. The much feted athlete achieves distinction in after life less often than his average every-day classmate.
It appears, then, that far from deserving to be looked down upon, the "all A" man is entitled to the degree of respect here which the "Michigan Daily" claims he receives at Ann Arbor. Statistics show that he more than any other among us is destined to lead in after life.
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