

Coach Fisher and Captain Kane Will Outline Plans For Spring Practice and for Summer Work

The 1921 football season will officially start at a meeting in the Varsity Club at 7.15 tonight, at which all men who intend to play football next fall are expected to be present. This includes men who will be unable to report for work this spring.

At the meeting definite plans for the work of the spring and summer will be announced by Coach R. T. Fisher '12 and Captain R. K. Kane '22. There will be further speeches by members of the active coaching staff and of the graduate advisory committee on football. Among those present will be P. D. Haughton '99, W. H. Trumbull '15, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, Dr. T. K. Richards '14, and T. S. Woods '20.

Candidates from the Freshman class for the position of Second Assistant Football Manager will be expected to report at 1 o'clock at the H. A. A. Arrangements can be made at the meeting to avoid conflict with spring activities, but, irrespective of whether or hot they can do any work this spring, all men who intend to compete next fall must attend the meeting. No previous experience is required.

Actual practice will begin a week from today on Monday, March 28, and will continue until April 15. Arrangements for work after the spring recess will be announced later. Practice will be held five days a week.
