Twelve colleges form six different states have already responded to the invitations of the University Liberal Club and have signified their intention of sending delegations to a convention to be held at the University on April 2 and 3 for the purpose or organizing an Intercollegiate Liberal Society. The program for the conference has already been sent out in circular letter form to every college publication in the East, together with an invitation to students to attend. Four well-known men, representing various businesses and profession, have already agreed to address the conference.
The opening address on the afternoon of April 2 will be given by Walter Lippmann '10, of the "New Republic". Mr. Lippmann, one of the leading liberals of America, is the author of "a preface to Politics", "The Stakes of Diplomacy", "Drift and Mastery", and "Liberty and the News". When in college Mr. Lippmann was the originator of a club which was in many respects similar to the present Liberal Club.
Senator Ladd to Speak
Edwin F. Ladd, Senator from North Dakota, has agreed to address the conference. Senator Ladd, formerly the president of North Dakota State Agricultural College, was the only candidate elected to the Senate last fall by the non-Partisan League.
Francis Nielson of "The Freeman" has agreed to speak on "The Collegian Looks at the World", and President H. M. McCracken of Vassar College will deliver he closing address. The services of a number of other well-known Liberals will probably be secured for the occasion.
The opening meeting of the Convention is scheduled for two-thirty o'clock on Saturday, April 2, when discussions concerning the name and purpose of the proposed organization and a constitution will take place.
In the invitations sent out by the organizing committee, all students of Eastern colleges were urged to attend, whether members of Good Government Clubs, Social Science Clubs, or Forums", or whether merely interested as individuals.
The principles of the organization are "the cultivation of the open mind; the development of an informed student opinion on social, industrial, political and international questions; the encouragement of inquiry; the presentation of facts; subservience to no isms; and the education of the college youth in the problems of citizenship." In scope the organization plans to be national and affiliated with similar groups abroad, "with a view to an eventual international league of college liberals."
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