8.00 A. M. 6 P. M.--Freshmen Elections: Poll at the Class of '77 Gate, Massachusetts avenue entrance to Widener Library.
8.45.--Daily Chapel: The Reverend Raymond Calkins '90 will conduct the services.
9.11.--Minister's hours in the study at Wadsworth House.
1.00.--Junior Dance: Meeting of all box chairmen in Crimson Building.
3.00.--Langdell Center: The Honorable William Caleb Loring '72 will speak on "The Practice of the Law."
5.30.--Basketball: Freshmen vs. Worcester Academy at Worcester.
6.30.--Staplers Club: Mr. Gardner Poole speaks on the "Fish Industry."
6.45.--Minor Sports Council: Meeting of captains and managers in H. A. A.
7.00.--Phillips Brooks House: Professor R. K. Hack will speak on "The Outline of History."
7.00.--Chess: University vs. Boylston Chess Club at Union.
7.30.--University Legion Post: Professor E. P. Warner '16 of M. I. T. will speak on "Scientific Development in Military Aeronautics."
8.00.--Basketball: University vs. Rhodo Island State at Hemenway Gymnasium.
8.00.--Professor Henri Guy will speak on "La Rome ideale: la patrie."
8.00.--Glee Club: Concert at Union.
8.00.--Swimming: University and Freshmen vs. M. I. T. at the Boston Y. M. C. A.
8.00.--Harvard Math Club: Professor H. P. Manning will speak on "The Dog and Duck Problem" at Conant Hall.
8.15.--Chamber Music: Mr. Arthur Whiting, pianist, will play in John Knowles Paine Hall.
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