Continued mild weather this week will go far towards giving Coach Slattery of the baseball team opportunity for choosing the squad which will make the Southern seven days trip in April. In the pitching department especially this will be a hard thing to do for of the large number working out daily the majority are "dark-horses," men who have not pitched before at the University and men whose records are unknown. The only man certain to be included is E. F. Goode, 22, a regular last year. His strength lies in curves and baseball sagacity. A man with a reliable fast-ball is necessary, and at present C. C. Buell '23 and J. C. Watson '23 are the leaders of this type. Buell, although inexperienced, has the speedier delivery and is learning quickly how to combine curves with that delivery. Watson was not given much opportunity to prove his worth in the freshman games last season, but improvement this year is already, noticeable in his style. The choice of moundsmen to go on the trip, however, is entirely uncertain.
At the receiving end of the battery, almost the same uncertainty is found. Austin Blair '21, a regular of two years, still has the call, and J. E. Murphy '22 and R. H. Keegan '23 are not far behind.
The regular first baseman will undoubtedly be picked from several men still playing hockey, including E. L. Bigelow '21, a letter man, and George Owen '23. Other infield positions are practically settled with Captain R. W. Emmons 3rd '21, A. J. Conlon '22, and E. C. Lincoln '32.
Besides the letter men, L. A. Hallock '22 and H. C. Janin '22, the outfield has fifteen or more candidates among whom F. W. Crocker '22, D. H. Kerr '23, J. S. Clark '23, and D. F. Thayer '28 are the most prominent.
With favoring weather conditions this week, the squad will be divided into teams A and B, and will engage in daily practice games. A week of sunshine will make the diamond dry and last.
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