
Pollack Foundation Offers Prizes

The Francis D. Pollack Foundation for Economic Research has just announced that three prizes aggregating $2000 will be offered for the best essays on economic subjects submitted during the year of 1921. Three prizes will be given, one of $1000 open to everybody without restriction, one of $500 for the best essay by a College student, and one of $500 for the best essay by a student in any high school, or other school of secondary grade.

An essay to be considered for any prize must not have more than ten thousand words and must be on one of the following subjects, or a related subject approved in advance by the Foundation: (1) The Part That Money Plays in Economic Theory (2) Causes of Unemployment and Remedies, (3) Conditions Which Determine How Much the Consumer Gets for His Dollar.

The judges will be W. B. Donham '98, Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration: Irving Fisher, professor of Economics at Yale University, and Wesley C. Mitchell of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
