Old track men are following with interest the present attempt to reestablish track sports at Harvard on a winning basis. The younger graduates can help with practical counsel in the field, but the interest is not confined to men who have recently graduated and it may be helpful to bring to the undergraduates of today a consciousness that they have a backing of graduates whose memories in the aggregate cover nearly half a century of track athletic history at Harvard. These men follow year by year with keen interest the fortunes of our track team. It ought to mean something to the management of today to realize that they have such a sum total of good wishes and good-will.
If an old Harvard track man is asked what he would prescribe first of all to the building up of a successful team he is pretty sure to answer, "A large number of determined and persistent candidates." Twenty-two years ago the writer saw at Queen's Club in London a Harvard high hurdler who had worked patiently for years without making the team, finally triumph over the best of Yale, Oxford and Cambridge on a grass track in the then excellent time of 15 3-5 seconds. There have been scores of instances in which men who showed little promise at first finally contributed largely to Harvard success.
A graduate must proceed with some caution in speaking of the superiority of former days for we are entirely conscious of the fact that Harvard has won only three intercollegiate championships in thirty years. We do feel, however, that it is only normal for Harvard to win her fair share of dual meets.
We bespeak for the captain and new director of track athletics the earnest and undivided support of Harvard.
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