

Serenity of Speech and Spirit Only Cure for Present Unrest--Tells of Trials and Life of the Diplomatic Service Today

Baron Eugene Stein, Minister Plenipotentiary from Russia to Argentina, spoke last night in the Union on "The Problem Presented by Russia Today." The key-note of Baron Stein's address was the necessity of equanimity of spirit applied to life, to the world unrest of the present day, and more specifically to Russia. But of more interest than any set speech on the problem of Russia or of the world today, was the baron's address, replete with an intimate account of a diplomat's life. Illustrating by means of incidents in his personal experience, he showed the absolute necessity of serenity is diplomacy, where a false action, an agitated mind means disaster. Even so it is in the troubled state of Europe today. The minds of men have lost their ability for cool unprejudiced decision, serenity of spirit and judgment are gone, and Europe rocks with turmoil and antagonism. Russia is merely Europe intensified and can never be cured of her sickness by application of the drastic knife; she suffers from a fever, not a cancer.

After the close of his regular speech, Baron Stein exhibited a large number of stereopticon views of Russia and of Russian art.
