The Senior Class Day Committee wishes to call to the attention of all members of the Senior class that they should be measured for caps and gowns at the Harvard Cooperative Society immediately. On account of the difficulty of securing materials and labor, it is important that as many men as possible be measured at once, as a rush at the end of March might prevent the filling of all orders by May 1, the day when all Seniors will wear caps and gowns to their morning classes. Until April 1, the price of the complete outfit will be $9.75; after that date the price will be raised 50 cents.
The contract for manufacturing the gowns has been awarded to Cotrell & Leonard Co., of Albany. This will be the only firm officially recognized by the committee. All gowns purchased are absolutely new, and made from individual measurements; in addition arrangements will be made for renting outfits by the week or by the month to Seniors who prefer that method.
Class officers should inform the men at the Cooperative when they are being measured, in order that red braid and tassel may be put on their outfit. There will be no extra charge for this. It is especially important that class officers and members of Phi Beta Kappa be measured promptly, as caps and gowns must be worn when the group pictures are taken for the Senior Album.
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