Final examinations will be held today and tomorrow in the following courses. All examinations begin at 9.15 A. M. except those at 2 P. M. According to the regulations, any student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations.
It has also been ruled that no student shall be permitted to take any books of papers into the examination room except by the express direction of the instructor.
The examinations held in the Engineering School today are included in the following list: Today Botany 3, Bot. Mus. 13b Chemistry 5: Abbott to Landers (incl.), Sever 17 Lea to Weiss (incl.), Sever 18 Comp. Philology 2a hf, Sever 18 Economics 2a, New Lect. Hall Economics 37, Sever 29 Education A, Holden Engin. Sciences 5, Pierce 302 Engineering 51, Pierce 302, 307 Engineering 221,Pierce 304 English 64, New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 2a, Fogg Fine Arts 2f, Robinson Fine Arts 5h, Fogg Lect. Rm. French 18 hf, Sever 6 French 21, Sever 17 German 1c, Sever 6 German 4, Sever 30 German 6, Sever 30 Government 1: Mr. Furber's sects., Emerson D Mr. Shoup's sects. S1, S2, Sever 35 Mr. Shoup's sects. S3, S4, Sever 36 Mr. Wells' sects. Zool Lect. R.m. Mr. Whitmore's sects., Emerson J Government 7, Sever 29 Greek 8, Sever 29 History A1, Andover C History 2a, Emerson D History 35, Holden Mathematics E, Harvard 5 Mathematics 14a, Harvard 5 Music 1a, Emerson D Philosophy 1: Abernethy to Farber (incl.), Harvard 2 Feiring to Wright (incl.), Harvard 6 Physics 4a, Pierce 304 Slavic 1a, Sever 30 Spanish 2, Sever 5 2 P. M. Comp. Literature 19: Aleus to Satz (incl.), Emerson D Saver to Zipf (incl.), Emerson J Social Ethics 11, Emerson J Tomorrow Anthropology 15 hf, Sever 17 Botany 2, Univ. Mus. 29 Chemistry 4: Abrams to Rapps (incl.), Sever 5 Read to Yens (incl.), Sever 6 Chemistry 34, Sever 18 Comp. Literature 5, Sever 30 Economics 11, Sever 35 English 24, Sever 36 English 50, Sever 6 French 4: Ajemian to Pond (incl.), Sever 28 Ronald to Woodfield (incl.), Sever 24 Government 6, Sever 17 History A. Sever 30 Indie Philol. 1a. Widener A Latin E. hf. Sever 18 Mathematics 25, Sever 17 Psychology A: Alberts to J. Rubin (incl.), Emerson D Rudin to Eutt (incl.), Emerson J Spanish 8, Sever 94