

Same Men Will Line Up on Charlesbank ice as Defeated Milton

HARVARD.  NEWTON HIGH. Lee, l.w.  r.w., Stinets Phillips, l.c.  r.c., Macomber Lamont, r.c.  l.c., Hodder Cabot, r.w.  l.w., Harris Crosby, c.p.  c.p., Coady Graves, p.  p., Cochran Shernian, g.  g., Drowne

This afternoon at 3 o'clock Captain W. E. Crosby will lead his men onto the Charlesbank Rinks to oppose his former schoolmates from Newton. There was no regular game on the Freshmen's schedule for today, but late yesterday arrangements were completed for the game with Newton High. Coach Lombard seems to have found a winning combination in the septet that he started against Milton on Wednesday, and the same men will face off for the yearlings this afternoon.

The schoolboys have a good team which has met defeat only twice--at the hands of Cambridge Latin and of Melrose High. In Hodder, the captain of the team, and in Harris at left wing, Newton has two men who may be expected to bother the yearlings' defense this afternoon.
