

Far overshadowing the continuous inuendo of traction scandal that has been the chief note of New York news columns for some time past come the startling reports of the corruption of the police officials, which cannot but reflect on the present administration. Perhaps the satellites of the Enright regime have overstepped and taken in too much hush money for "restoring" stolen automobiles and furthering the illicit liquor traffic.

In a neighboring column we find that Mayor Hylan has been likened to a saint. At an assembly of widows and orphans in the City Hall the medical adviser of the Board of Child Welfare said: "We all know that St. John the Baptist was red-headed, and now we have another red-headed St. John St. John Hylan." When we read that this is the first of many assemblies of a similar kind that are to be held all over the city, we cannot help being reminded that the election of the next mayor of New York is to be this coming fall. We wonder if Commissioner Enright will not be the next to be "canonized" in this manner; surely such a saintly ticket, with such a saintly record, could not be voted down.
