

Second Half-Year Begins Today With an Enrollment of Over 1600 Men and Women

The second half-year in the University Extension courses opens today with three new half-courses offered to the residents of Boston and vicinity. Professor E. Charlton Black of Boston University will give a half-course on the Novel and Short Story, which opens tonight at 7.30 at Boston University, corner of Boylston and Exeter streets. Professor Walter F. Dearborn of the University is to conduct a second course on Educational Measurement, meetings of which will be held at Lawrence Hall, on Mondays at 4.30, beginning February 21, this time and place having been substituted for those announced earlier upon request of those taking the course.

There is also a change in the plans for Professor T. H. Carver's course on the Principles of Sociology, which is now stated to meet on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30, beginning February 7, at the School of Secretarial Sciences, situated at the corner of Garrison and St. Botolph streets. This year's enrollment in the Extension Courses, the headquarters of which are at University Hall, is larger than ever before Up to this time over 1600 men and women have taken advantage of the opportunities offered for late afternoon and evening study, and applicants have had to be turned away from some of the more crowded courses.
