

Bronze Trophy for Winner of 50-Yard Dash at B. A. A. Games Donated

Final trials for all the relay teams which are to run at the B. A. A. games will be held today. With the exception of the University one-mile team, no changes from the lists published during the last few days are expected.

The Athletic Committee of the B. A. A. has announced that Major F. H. Briggs, a former M. I. T. track star, has donated a bronze trophy, to be awarded to the winner of the 50-yard dash at the B. A. A. games. This is one of the few large prizes ever donated for a sprint event. The gift is governed by the same conditions as other trophies, going to the athlete first winning it three times. E. O. Gourdin '21, R. D. Howard '23, and Vinton Chapin '23 are the University entries in this event, but it is not yet decided whether they will run, as both Gourdin and Howard are entered in the one-mile relay race.

Chairman Geiger of the B. A. A. Athletic Committee has announced that the track will be ready, in spite of the builders' strike. It is practically completed, and a squad of volunteers composed of members of the B. A. A. will be on hand Saturday morning to bolt it together. The corners were placed in the Arena on top of the ice recently and found satisfactory.
