

Professor Munro Introduces Dr. Mann of Army Advisory Board Who Explains Aim of Squad

The "Americans All" squad from the Recruit Educational Center at Camp Dix gave a demonstration in the Living Room of the Union yesterday afternoon. After a few remarks Professor William B. Munro, who presided, introduced Dr. Charles R. Mann, the Chairman of the Advisory Board of the General Staff of the Army. Dr. Mann spoke about the educational work being done by the Army at the present time, and told why the "Americans All" squads were now touring the country to show the people the results of the Americanization work being done by the Recruit Educational Centers.

After Dr. Mann had finished, the squad marched into the Living Room, and, while one of the soldiers sat at the porno the others went through a short drill, followed by setting-up exercises. Each man then told in rather halting English the story of his experiences in the army and his appreciation of the benefits he had received from his training and education.

After the demonstration the squad was taken around to the various parts of the University, visiting Memorial Hall Widener Library, the Freshman Dormfferies and other buildings.
