At its meeting in the Union last night the Student Council voted to send four representatives to the conference at M. I. T. on April 15 and 16, reconsidering its former decision not to enter the proposed conference. In the light of new developments since January and in view of the fact that arrangements for the conferences have become much more definite during the past months, reconsideration of the project was a logical step.
In voting to join the meeting the University is joining the with practically all the colleges of the east; Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth and Pennsylvania are all members of the executive committee, while Yale and other of the larger colleges are actively interested in the plan. The work of the conference will be divided into four main branched--student government, athletics, publications and musical and dramatic organizations. The routine work of preparation and the direction of the general activities of the conference are in the hands of the executive committee, of which W. R. Banker of M. I. T. is chairman.
To File Committee's Reports
The Council also voted to make arrangements next year for a permanent meeting room in the Union. It was decided that the Chairmen of the Senior Dormitory Committee, the Senior Nomination Committee, the Junior Dance Committee, the Freshman Red Book Committee, the Senior Class Day Committee, and the Senior Album Committee, should each year make out a report of their work. These reports will be kept in the Student Council's room where they will be accessible to future chairmen.
Considering the election of a successor to T. R. Thayer uG.B. as baseball manager, the Student Council's ratified the appointment of Myles Perry Baker '22 of Cambridge as Manager and of Haven Parker '22 of South Lancaster as Assistant Manager, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee.
The Student Council also was to the opinion that the minor sports should have the same representation on the Student Council collectively as each of the major sports, and that this should be brought about through an organization of minor sports captains and managers, the deals for which are to be worked out by the Executive Committee of the Student Council.
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